Pubblicati i dati sulle Attività di Cross Validazione del progetto IPNOA

Aprile 2015

I primi risultati delle attività di Cross Validazione dello strumento trasportabile del progetto IPNOA sono stati pubblicati sulla Rivista Journal of Energy and Power Engineering con un articolo dal titolo: “Cross-Validation of a Mobile N2O Flux Prototype (IPNOA) Using Micrometeorological and Chamber Methods". Gli autori dell’articolo sono: Patricia Laville (INRA), Giorgio Virgili, Simone Neri, Davide Continanza, Luca Fabiano Ferrante Vero (WS) and Simona Bosco (SSSUP) L'articolo è disponibile al seguente link.

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Publicated the results of the IPNOA project cross validation activities

April 2015

The activities related to the cross validation of the transportable prototype was presented during the Seventh International Symposium on Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gases (NCGG7) November 2014. After this conference Patricia Laville (INRA) was contacted by the editor of the Journal of Energy and Power Engineering (ISSN1934-8975) to submit a paper to the Journal. The writing was produced from December to February and the paper was published in April 2015. The title of the manuscript is: “Cross-Validation of a Mobile N2O Flux Prototype (IPNOA) Using Micrometeorological and Chamber Methods” - Journal of Energy and Power Engineering 9 (2015) 375-385 doi: 10.17265/1934-8975/2015.04.007. The authors of the article are: Patricia Laville (INRA), Giorgio Virgili, Simone Neri, Davide Continanza, Luca Fabiano Ferrante Vero (WS) and Simona Bosco (SSSUP). This publication was being a good way to make known the work done during the IPNOA project.

Improved flux Prototypes
for N2O emission from Agriculture

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