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West Systems Srl (Coordinating Beneficiary)
Via Don Mazzolari 25, IT56025 Pontedera (PI)
Phone: +39 0587 483335
Fax: +39 0587 296068
Progetto FIRB SMOCA Smart Management of Organic Conservative Agriculture
Progetto GELSO - Gestione Locale per la SOstenibilità ambientale |
Life+ BIOCLOC Project (LIFE12 ENV/IT/120) |
Life+ Climate Change E-R Project (LIFE12 ENV/IT/404)
Life+ BIOSUR Project (LIFE11 ENV/IT/075) |
Life+ AgriClimateChange (LIFE09 ENV/ES/000441) |
Life+ Seq-Cure (LIFE06 ENV/IT/000266) |
Life+ FACTOR20 (LIFE08/ENV/IT/000430) |
Life+ GAS-OFF (LIFE09/ENV/IT/000214) |
FP7 QUESSA http://cordis.europa.eu/search/index.cfm?fuseaction=proj.document&PJ_RCN=13191271
FP7 LOGISTEC http://cordis.europa.eu/search/index.cfm?fuseaction=proj.document&PJ_RCN=13010091
Life+ SoilConsWeb (LIFE08 ENV/IT/000408) |
Life+ VOICE (LIFE06 ENV/IT/000257) http://crear.bluefactor.it/index.php?module=CMpro&func=listpages&subid=2&expsubid=2