Azione D6: Workshops e Seminari
Durata: Luglio 2012 - Maggio 2016
Scopo: Al fine di garantire la migliore diffusione dei risultati del progetto ,saranno promosse diverse attività di divulgazione, rivolte a target di diverso tipo come i Ministeri ( Ministero delle Politiche Agricole e Forestali e Ministero dell'Ambiente ), le agenzie nazionali e regionali, gli enti locali, istituti di ricerca, organizzazioni ambientaliste, aziende private, scuole e qualsiasi individuo che possa essere interessato. Le attività di disseminazione previste comprendono l'organizzazione di almeno tre workshop e seminari, rassegne stampa, incontri ed escursioni con studenti delle scuole superiori, pubblicazione di articoli scientifici, aggiornamento dei contenuti del sito web, preparazione di brochures informative del progetto e partecipazione ad eventi di disseminazione nazionali e internazionali.
Partner Responsabile: SSSUP
Stato dei Lavori: Le attività di disseminazione stanno regolarmente andando avanti. Tutti i dettagli di queste attività vengono regolarmente aggiornati nella sezione News del sito.
Action D6: Workshops and Seminars
From July 2012 to June 2016
In order to ensure the best dissemination of project results, the beneficiaries of IPNOA will promote several dissemination activities, addressed to different targets, comprising: Italian Ministries (Ministero delle Politiche Agricole e Forestali and Ministero dell’Ambiente), national and regional agencies, local authorities, research institutions, environmental organizations, private companies, schools and any individual that may be interested in relevant issues.
The foreseen dissemination activities are:
- An intermediate project workshop, to be held in 2014 in Pisa and a final workshop to be held in May 2016 in Florence. Both workshops will be open to a wide audience, including public authorities and public and private stakeholders. In addition, external people will be invited, such as coordinators of other LIFE+ projects in the same field. Aims of the final workshop will be the diffusion of the Layman’s report, briefing for the post-project initiatives, future application of the project activities with stakeholders and institutions.
- Series of seminars. Aim of the seminar activity is to inform and to involve private and public stakeholders on the effects of the agriculture on climate change and on the best crop management addressed to mitigate the GHG emissions, especially N2O. During these seminars, participants will be encouraged to give a responsible partnership to all the project activities, for instance, by means of interviews.
- Media and press meetings. Since starting date, relationship with the local news media and specialized publishers will be established. At least one media meeting will be held every year to communicate tasks advancing, spreading results and encouraging active participation.
- Meetings and excursions with primary to high school students. Since September 2013, these
meetings will help students understanding projects aims and activities.
- Technical and scientific papers will be produced and published in relevant scientific journals. Publications will acknowledge the EU financial support.
- Web pages. Within 18 months since the beginning of the project a dedicated section of the project web pages will be developed. Afterwards it will be regularly updated to inform the stakeholders on activities and their involvement in the project.
- Brochures. Two specific brochures will be prepared and sent by mail to stakeholders. This activity will be
performed at the beginning of the project, to illustrate the project itself and its aims, and approximately three months before the end of the project to illustrate its achievements.
In addition, the partners will participate to three international meetings and one national conference, in order to disseminate technical and governance aspects as well as activities and results of the IPNOA project through oral presentations, posters and discussions.
Expected results
• Dissemination events organized by the beneficiaries (two workshops, seminars, media and press meetings, meeting and excursions for students, technical and scientific papers, web pages, brochures)
• Participation of Partners to international and national conferences in order to disseminate project activities and results.
• Receiving a feed-back on the project progress from other experts in the field and from stakeholders.